I wonder in what world this person thought this would work.
Hi, I am interested in renting the guest house you have posted on craigslist. I have a few questions about the place:
1. what is the square footage?
2. what is the deposit and lease agreements?
3. would it be available to a couple? (we both are going to be working in downtown la)
4. what is the parking situation?
if you would like to talk feel free to contact me at 805 331 7109.
thanks for your time.
the emails in between these two was his wierdo story about the last tenant he had and my response to it. trying to keep it short and to the point here...
Robert Smith
to me
show details Oct 20 (2 days ago)
Hello ,
Thanks for your swift response and your sense of humor i am, so happy. I am glad you really understand exactly what i really mean and also your understanding . The apartment is located at (5069 Montezuma Los Angeles, CA 90042).Due to what happened to us in the past we are just so careful with the kind of tenant that will be our next tenant cause we don't to experience what you went through from our former tenant. I left the state with the key and document and did not put my home in charge of any agency.As prior the viewing of the home, I'll send you the key and document to you through a courier service such as Fed Ex or UPS so that when you receive it you can have access to view the inside of my home. plz i don't want you to make me ever regret all what I'm doing for you cause i have a high blood pressure due to what i went through from my former tenant that is why i don't want to have a heart attack.If you really want to rent our apartment i want you to promise me that you will always be a good tenant and you will always stand to your promise. i want you to fill out the rent application details below so that i can have it in my file.The lease is for 6months, a year or longer just let me know how long you intend renting it.
tim riley
to Robert
show details Oct 20 (2 days ago)
I would appreciate it if you would send me a legitimate rental application and an address that i can have it sent or faxed to. Please excuse me if i come off as rude but your willingness to mail a key to your home to a complete stranger makes me think that you are a scam. please indicate tonight if you are not, otherwise my interest is lost, thank you.
Robert Smith
to me
show details Oct 20 (2 days ago)
I will have your address and phone number ,you can't run away with my keys,I know its look strange to me,But the way you sound make me feel happy...
tim riley
to Robert
show details Oct 20 (2 days ago)
alright well go ahead and send it then.
141 holly ave apt 9
carpinteria ca
Robert Smith
to me
show details Oct 21 (1 day ago)
Good,But you will have to pay for half of the security deposit fee,Before i can ship it you ,that will make me believe that you really want the apartment.
to robertsmith0112
show details 3:45 PM (23 hours ago)
Ya no problem. If you give me your address i can send you a bag filled with my own shit you scamming low life. Learn how to speak english.
tim riley
to robertsmith0112
show details 7:38 PM (20 hours ago)
I'll paypal you $25 if you call me and let me curse you off over the phone you scamming piece of shit. This is a legitimate offer, if you are so into making easy money that you try to take advantage of people looking for a place to live then please, by all means, give me a call. you little fucking pussy.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
how to get yourself banned from carpinteria
this is a retold story.
can't slow down the saves the day album has been on for ten minutes when she asks, "who is this??"
reply-"oh its saves the day"
she- "oh"and maybe a slight nod of the head realizing she just asked a dumb question being the hardcore/alternative girl she was.
traffic inches forward, another ten minutes go by.
she turns the music down to speak, hoping to interject some sort of knowledgeable comment as a grasp for redemption...
"ya know i think that saves the day is really influenced by shook ones."
the driver immediately jerked the wheel into the center divider sacrificing his life to take hers.
it actually just ended with no reply to the last comment but i could have seen that happening too.
can't slow down the saves the day album has been on for ten minutes when she asks, "who is this??"
reply-"oh its saves the day"
she- "oh"and maybe a slight nod of the head realizing she just asked a dumb question being the hardcore/alternative girl she was.
traffic inches forward, another ten minutes go by.
she turns the music down to speak, hoping to interject some sort of knowledgeable comment as a grasp for redemption...
"ya know i think that saves the day is really influenced by shook ones."
the driver immediately jerked the wheel into the center divider sacrificing his life to take hers.
it actually just ended with no reply to the last comment but i could have seen that happening too.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tigers Jaw interview
Tigers Jaw is a very interesting group of people. Very nice, very talented people.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saba wow (backstory)
We took a trip down to San Diego to stay at my dads house and catch some waves in the warm water. Riley,Saba,Derek, & I. my little brother has been some sort of health freak since he was about 14 and is always encouraging myself and others to try his methods.Sean's latest tip was some sort of urine therapy where he took a shot of his own pee once or twice a month to gain the nutrients and minerals that your kidneys filter out because you don't need them at the time, but by the time you have peed them out they could be useful to your body again (Sean explained after doing much research on the matter). Saba (always willing to try obscure things) obviously wanted to try it but was hesitant while down at my dads house. The weekend concluded and we returned to carpinteria.
monday- 7:45am
i'm woken up by Saba urging me to come watch him in the bathroom. Half asleep i grab my flip cam.
Saba updates me on the situation.
"i was pissing and i wanted to make sure it was that bright alien piss..."
Although it seems gross and absurd urine therapy has been around for a long time. Although its fully sanitary it definitely doesn't recommend gulping a full humus container.
pee drinkers in my circles of friends
Alex ball
Derek Kitigawa
Sean Riley
Andrew Saba
monday- 7:45am
i'm woken up by Saba urging me to come watch him in the bathroom. Half asleep i grab my flip cam.
Saba updates me on the situation.
"i was pissing and i wanted to make sure it was that bright alien piss..."
Although it seems gross and absurd urine therapy has been around for a long time. Although its fully sanitary it definitely doesn't recommend gulping a full humus container.
pee drinkers in my circles of friends
Alex ball
Derek Kitigawa
Sean Riley
Andrew Saba
Monday, June 28, 2010
Riley the roomate #2

I had the whole day to myself and i was feeling mischievous. I honestly don't remember what initially spawned me to prank Mitch(Riley) so hard but i know it was something...just can't recall at this moment. I picked up a bottle of castor oil from rite-aid then came home and thought, hard. i planned it out for hours, i drank all but the last gulp of the gallon of naked juice in the fridge, then mixed the remains with half of the bottle of castor oil, a "stimulant laxative". i set it up perfectly. Riley comes home from work, i give it some time. let him break down a little from his work clothes and whatnot. about 30mins after he has been home i enter his room.
"how was work?"
"good, it was whatever"
"ya, i haven't done anything today. i feel like such a lop."
Riley gives no response.
"yo i'm bored lets play some uno."
Riley agrees and urges me to think of a stake...perfect.
"got it dude, loser takes out the recycling...AND winner gets the rest of the naked juice in the fridge."
Riley quickly replies, "down, dude i almost chugged that right when i got home you're lucky"
he deals the cards and i get a solid hand. i hate to publicly post that i was dishonest in a game of uno but under the circumstances i think it was necessary. I draw a few cards when i could have played and next thing i know Riley throws down his last card. just looks at me with that look on his face. ugh (pissed just thinking about it). He walks to the fridge and grabs the jug, smiles at me, then downs the mixture. i take out the recycling gladly.
20mins later he starts complaining of stomach pains and i start to feel guilty. i thought to myself, "what if he thinks he needs to go to the emergency room or something?" i go to my room and grab the bottle of castor oil which is now half empty.
"Riley (i have my hands behind my back) i have to show you something"
"dude you better not shoot me with your airsoft gun again!"
"naw man promise its not that..."
"what is that?"
"Riley, its a bottle of castor oil, its a laxative...that i mixed in with the naked juice you drank...i lost on purpose."
"wtf dude."
30seconds of hidden smiles and staring ensue. Mitch gets up and walks to his room. laid down from 2-5 after complaining of a "stomach ache".
apparently he was up all night glued to the toilet until he had to go to work the next day.
This was the longest Mitch didn't talk to me, almost 3 days.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
fisheye pictures

Sunday, June 6, 2010
neil armsgrom
shoal shock in vietgrom
the grom brigade
wallace and grom-it
grombies ate my neighbors
rocky and shoalwinkle
12:50pmRyan is offline.
neil armsgrom
shoal shock in vietgrom
the grom brigade
wallace and grom-it
grombies ate my neighbors
rocky and shoalwinkle
12:50pmRyan is offline.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Forgetting Sarah Marshall cliff

Hawaii is like Carpinteria on steroids. Its always 80 degrees exactly, night or day. We're staying at this place right on the beach in "who/key/lou" bay which happens to be right down the way from the cliff that the characters jump off of in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This is a screen shot from the flip cam video. it wasn't as high as it looked in the movie. oh and its raining sideways right now.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Riley the roomate
Dan comes home last night after not being at the house for a few days. Riley and I had just finished bro-ing out over some red dead revolver when i left the living room for somewhere around five minutes. i come back and ask "who wants to go hang out in Santa Barbara with all our friends!?" Riley quickly snaps, " f*** you, you're not my friend, i'll go without you." "what the hell? Are you being serious?" Just then Dan sheds some light on the situation. "i may or may not have brought up the video just now." "what the hell Dan!?" "Dude i didn't know he was gonna flip out" Riley is sitting on the couch kitty corner to me and Dan talking about him. "I can't believe you called me a little b**** on youtube." "Riley, i changed it." "Dan you suck." " yo i had no idea." "whatever." Me to Dan, "What did you even say to bring it up?" "I called him riley the roommate." "s*** dude hahahahaha" for those of you who are not up to date with the Holly house activities here is an update. A prank war started about seven or eight months ago when i put a bowl of mayonnaise under Riley's bed hoping it would eventually create a horrible smell. When Riley found it i told him it was Dan so Riley put it at the head of Dans bed, which was a sleeping bag at the time (we had only been moved in for a few months). Dan ended up sticking his hand in the bowl and things have been going on ever since. My most recent prank on Riley consisted of videoing him playing video games for the past five months and compiling a decent enough movie of him. it turned out better than i thought.
Title Fight interview
I got to spend some time with my friends it Title Fight this past weekend and had a chance to ask each one of them a few different questions. Not the most serious or informative interviews but you can really learn a lot about each one of their characters through the minute or so on camera. Nicest dudes, awesome music.
Riley and I run up to the van picking us up from some metro lot in the middle of LA. We are running late to the show. Its only Ben and Ned in the van but they were so happy for some reason.
Ben: yo I’m Rulio and I play drums in Title Fight.
Me: Ben, if you had to kill somebody in TF who would it be, quickly
(Ben answers with little hesitation)
Ben: Shane.
Me: what has been your biggest challenge as a band?
(Ben suddenly gets tired)
Ben: uhhhh, just keeping up with everything ya know.
Me: what is everything?
Ben: writing, recording, touring, having time for friends.
(Tom-Tom interrupts with new directions)
Me: whats up with that new record?
Ben: what’s up with it? Writing it. We have like six songs down and we are gonna write more when we get home. Hopefully record, maybe this summer who knows, coming out maybe next year.
Me: apples or oranges?
(I don’t give him time to answer)
Ned is driving so I couldn’t really here him well interviewing from the back seat. Through the windshield I started to notice the consistent flow of cars passing us by at least ten miles an hour. Ned must have slowed down to think during the questioning.
Ned: my name is Ned, and I play bass and sing in Title Fight.
Me: what are you current favorite bands?
Ned: like bands that play now or…
Ned: Alright currently I like… Tigers Jaw, Gypsy, I like All Is Fleeting, (fist pound) free Spirit, uhhh Foundation.
Me: Alright shut up. Favorite movies?
Ned: well my all time favorite movie is Surf Ninjas but I guess if I had to pick a grown up movie I’d say the outsiders. Or Shaw Shank Redemption.
Me: good choice. Apples or oranges?
Ned: Apples.
Jamie: hey I’m Jamie and I play guitar… and I sing too.
Me: if you had to kill someone in Title Fight who would it be?
Jamie: Shane, because then I would be the most handsome person in the band.
Shane: aw, I’ll take that.
Me: what has been TFs biggest challenge as a band?
Jamie: umm, graduating high school?
Me: did you do it?
Jamie: ya barley.
Me: you get to hang out with one celebrity, anyone you want, for one day. Who is it?
Jamie: ah this is tough um, Jennifer Love Hewitt
Me: you’re such a pervert.
Jamie: who else is there?? Who is crazy?? Robin Williams? Not Robin Williams! Bill Murray!! I saw him on the street once!
Me: last question invisibility or teleportation?
Jamie: invi…. Invisib….teleportation.
Shane gave me the least by far, not that he isn’t talkative and as friendly as the rest of the band. I must have just caught him off guard.
Shane: I’m Shane and I play guitar in Title Fight.
Me: Alright what are some current bands that you listen to?
Shane: um, Tegan and Sara, All Is Fleeting.
Me: one celebrity to hang out with?
Shane: ummmmm.. (Shane blanks)
Me: we’ll come back to that one. Describe your perfect girl.
Shane: (Blushes, then blanks)
Me: Back to the celebrity question.
Shane: Dude I don’t know haha.
Me: between Steven Seagal and Danny Glover.
Shane: Steven Seagal.
Me: apple or oranges.
to see the actually interview and some live footage from their show in San Fransisco check the video out on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpA-Lm9KXFo
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