I got to spend some time with my friends it Title Fight this past weekend and had a chance to ask each one of them a few different questions. Not the most serious or informative interviews but you can really learn a lot about each one of their characters through the minute or so on camera. Nicest dudes, awesome music.
Riley and I run up to the van picking us up from some metro lot in the middle of LA. We are running late to the show. Its only Ben and Ned in the van but they were so happy for some reason.
Ben: yo I’m Rulio and I play drums in Title Fight.
Me: Ben, if you had to kill somebody in TF who would it be, quickly
(Ben answers with little hesitation)
Ben: Shane.
Me: what has been your biggest challenge as a band?
(Ben suddenly gets tired)
Ben: uhhhh, just keeping up with everything ya know.
Me: what is everything?
Ben: writing, recording, touring, having time for friends.
(Tom-Tom interrupts with new directions)
Me: whats up with that new record?
Ben: what’s up with it? Writing it. We have like six songs down and we are gonna write more when we get home. Hopefully record, maybe this summer who knows, coming out maybe next year.
Me: apples or oranges?
(I don’t give him time to answer)
Ned is driving so I couldn’t really here him well interviewing from the back seat. Through the windshield I started to notice the consistent flow of cars passing us by at least ten miles an hour. Ned must have slowed down to think during the questioning.
Ned: my name is Ned, and I play bass and sing in Title Fight.
Me: what are you current favorite bands?
Ned: like bands that play now or…
Ned: Alright currently I like… Tigers Jaw, Gypsy, I like All Is Fleeting, (fist pound) free Spirit, uhhh Foundation.
Me: Alright shut up. Favorite movies?
Ned: well my all time favorite movie is Surf Ninjas but I guess if I had to pick a grown up movie I’d say the outsiders. Or Shaw Shank Redemption.
Me: good choice. Apples or oranges?
Ned: Apples.
Jamie: hey I’m Jamie and I play guitar… and I sing too.
Me: if you had to kill someone in Title Fight who would it be?
Jamie: Shane, because then I would be the most handsome person in the band.
Shane: aw, I’ll take that.
Me: what has been TFs biggest challenge as a band?
Jamie: umm, graduating high school?
Me: did you do it?
Jamie: ya barley.
Me: you get to hang out with one celebrity, anyone you want, for one day. Who is it?
Jamie: ah this is tough um, Jennifer Love Hewitt
Me: you’re such a pervert.
Jamie: who else is there?? Who is crazy?? Robin Williams? Not Robin Williams! Bill Murray!! I saw him on the street once!
Me: last question invisibility or teleportation?
Jamie: invi…. Invisib….teleportation.
Shane gave me the least by far, not that he isn’t talkative and as friendly as the rest of the band. I must have just caught him off guard.
Shane: I’m Shane and I play guitar in Title Fight.
Me: Alright what are some current bands that you listen to?
Shane: um, Tegan and Sara, All Is Fleeting.
Me: one celebrity to hang out with?
Shane: ummmmm.. (Shane blanks)
Me: we’ll come back to that one. Describe your perfect girl.
Shane: (Blushes, then blanks)
Me: Back to the celebrity question.
Shane: Dude I don’t know haha.
Me: between Steven Seagal and Danny Glover.
Shane: Steven Seagal.
Me: apple or oranges.
to see the actually interview and some live footage from their show in San Fransisco check the video out on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpA-Lm9KXFo
great interview, seriously entertaining and funny. nice dude.