I had the whole day to myself and i was feeling mischievous. I honestly don't remember what initially spawned me to prank Mitch(Riley) so hard but i know it was something...just can't recall at this moment. I picked up a bottle of castor oil from rite-aid then came home and thought, hard. i planned it out for hours, i drank all but the last gulp of the gallon of naked juice in the fridge, then mixed the remains with half of the bottle of castor oil, a "stimulant laxative". i set it up perfectly. Riley comes home from work, i give it some time. let him break down a little from his work clothes and whatnot. about 30mins after he has been home i enter his room.
"how was work?"
"good, it was whatever"
"ya, i haven't done anything today. i feel like such a lop."
Riley gives no response.
"yo i'm bored lets play some uno."
Riley agrees and urges me to think of a stake...perfect.
"got it dude, loser takes out the recycling...AND winner gets the rest of the naked juice in the fridge."
Riley quickly replies, "down, dude i almost chugged that right when i got home you're lucky"
he deals the cards and i get a solid hand. i hate to publicly post that i was dishonest in a game of uno but under the circumstances i think it was necessary. I draw a few cards when i could have played and next thing i know Riley throws down his last card. just looks at me with that look on his face. ugh (pissed just thinking about it). He walks to the fridge and grabs the jug, smiles at me, then downs the mixture. i take out the recycling gladly.
20mins later he starts complaining of stomach pains and i start to feel guilty. i thought to myself, "what if he thinks he needs to go to the emergency room or something?" i go to my room and grab the bottle of castor oil which is now half empty.
"Riley (i have my hands behind my back) i have to show you something"
"dude you better not shoot me with your airsoft gun again!"
"naw man promise its not that..."
"what is that?"
"Riley, its a bottle of castor oil, its a laxative...that i mixed in with the naked juice you drank...i lost on purpose."
"wtf dude."
30seconds of hidden smiles and staring ensue. Mitch gets up and walks to his room. laid down from 2-5 after complaining of a "stomach ache".
apparently he was up all night glued to the toilet until he had to go to work the next day.
This was the longest Mitch didn't talk to me, almost 3 days.
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